Advancing Global Best Practices


When we signed onto the United Nations Global Compact we recognized the chance to advance the practice of our core values of Care, Do the Right Thing, Control Our Own Destiny, and Work Hard / Play Hard toward creating an ever more responsible business. As a global company we operate within many cultures and economies, and we seek to advance the quality of life for all our associates, their families, our suppliers, our customers while protecting the health of our planet.

The principles of the Global Compact provide a reference point to which we can measure the progress of our practices, our relationships, and the manner of our business operations and conduct:

Human Rights: respect, support, and advance internationally proclaimed human rights while working to avoid and eliminate any human rights abuses

Labor: recognize our associates’ rights to a seat at the table where they may represent their interests, eliminate any form of forced labor, abolish child labor, and end any form of discrimination in employment and role

Environment: recognize we exist within the limits of the natural world and exercise a precautionary approach to our conduct; promote greater environmental responsibility through our business endeavors and relationships; and encourage the collaborative expansion of environmentally friendly technologies

Anti-Corruption: work against and eliminate corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery

As a family-owned business we recognize our most valuable asset is our people. Advancing the Compact’s principles helps us to create the conditions necessary for our people to thrive and achieve their greatest potential.